Steam release ending next month January.

Thanks for all the support guys, this is going to be a broad announcement it might bore you out but please read!

Expanding to steam - I would be releasing this game in steam next month ending, initially the page will be out early in the month, and for those who have the game already no you don't have to get it on steam, there is no hard requirement to lunch the game and you can play with your steam friends. 

Price change - the price will be increasing 7 times it's initial price, why?  Firstly the game would have a larger player base which means more cost on the server that runs the multiplayer, secondly the branding, getting the game on steam increases the value of the game just like you buy a shoe from a market and a shoe from a branded store, both are still shoes and still get damaged but knowing the game you play is on steam increases your confidence in playing and talking about the game to your friends. Thirdly I did say the price will go up, I have been selling the game undervalued for Christmas, testing and marketing reasons. But don't worry I will do discounts from time to time on both sites so people can still get the game. 

What have been up to -  I was working on a horror multiplayer game that is now available on steam, I would bring it here but I currently have an issue with payment method on this website, so untill I know how I can get my money from here, I won't publish the game here yet. 

Not currently working on anything - just as it says am on break for now guys, i have lot of school works to do, this is my last semester and I need to focus to leave, i am also in a country I don't like to live in so I have to find a job and leave this country as well to another European country, but next month I would be graduating. Hopefully I relocate fast and settle to continue making games or find a computer fast and continue fine editing my games. 

In the end thank you guys so much, please share my games to others. 


Sex with friends limited steam version (highly legal) 664 MB
Nov 24, 2024

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