lessons I learnt making a game

Photo by Sora Shimazaki
The biggest lessons I have learned so far

while making a game

The first thing is you are already a game dev the moment you started taking notes of your ideas or completing your very first task,  no it is not when you completely make a demo or finish a game project. 
don't let others discourage you all because they told you so many hard things to come or how stressful it can be

only the true indie game devs last- what I mean by this is that only those with a passion last, if you're doing this with just money desire alone, ITS NOT ENOUGH! .

  1. Making a game is just the first step of the battle, you have the marketing side to face, so be prepared.
  2. Taking notes down or a checklist either on devices or hand cover helped me a lot in remembering tasks and new ideas I got, in my case, it was mostly my mobile phone since that was with me a lot, I could get ideas just by playing or doing something else and luckily my phone is there with me.
  3. you don't need to do everything yourself or depend on others all the time, the choice is up to you to make but none is wrong.
  4. don't waste time on making everything yourself especially when you are a beginner or trying to make this a full-time job, be smart, buy assets, or check if free ones can be used commercially, this cuts your time by half and give you more to focus on things like storytelling and animations, etc.
  5. making games is art, there is no law in making games, there is a reason why it's under the creativity section, its cause it depends on you, if laws exist games would be boring, so don't waste time learning the do and don'ts in game making instead spend time on tutorials, you would learn your own do and don't from there also reading articles online you can take some points from them and interpret it your way. ( I am not referring to legal laws but rather to how games should be made)
  6. for indie game devs, there are only two options for beings successful- self-promoting or paid ads.
  7. be ready to take criticism, look at cyberpunk for example even they went through it, its heartbreaking, insulting, etc, but those are the true errors you should fix, if you can't fix those errors find a way to make them acceptable errors take for example a game titled maximum bugs(i came up with this name for just an example)- its obvious the game is expected to be so buggy and is going to end up being bought by people who want to laugh. 
  8. the fact you used others' assets in your game doesn't mean you're not a game dev!,  which law backs up this saying "A game dev must make everything himself" Don't let the social world step on you, get whatever assets you need but remember it's not the assets that would make your game unique, it's your story, it's your skills, so learn some, could be your good at only animations, learn a bit of coding and you're good to go!
  9. try to have Stories that have a continuation( to be continued) kinda story, this leaves room for a comeback, just like movies, where part 1 is trash but part 2 saves both, etc.

we stop there for things I learned,  follow me for more in the future.

what went right what went wrong

things that went wrong in making my first ever PC completed game are : 

the story presentation 

the visualization of the game vs the reality 

the marketing expectation was lower

things that went right for me are:

I came across a lot of bugs and challenges that helped me learn a lot faster

the game being completed even after so many other deep challenges I had that made me almost give up on my skills 

getting the game downloads 

and so many more....

what to expect from me

well, my first game is complete but is trash compared to what I thought in my mind, but luckily I made the game with a coming soon sense, so expect my part 2 guys, it's going to be my way of fixing things. (or though am still fixing things in the first one lol, but somethings just can't be changed cause its already rooted with the game itself, that's why story writing skills are a good skill to have you can change the faith)

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